Parkinson's Disease Care Services
Home Health Solutions Group offers specialized services for clients with Parkinson’s Disease, therefore if you or your
loved one is in need of that care we have the right personnel for you.
What Causes Parkinson's Disease?
There's been a lot of research into it, but so far, doctors aren't sure of the exact cause of Parkinson's disease.
They do know that if you have the illness, the trouble starts in some of your brain cells.
In an area of your brain called the substantia nigra, cells that make the chemical dopamine start to die. Dopamine has an
important job to do. It acts like a messenger that tells another area of your brain when you want to move a part of your
When the cells that make dopamine start to die, your dopamine level drops. When it gets too low, you can't control your
movements as well and you start to get Parkinson's symptoms.
No one knows what triggers the death of those cells. Scientists think it's your genes and environment working off of
each other in a way we don't understand.
What Role Do Genes Play?
Your genes are like your body's instruction book. So if you get a change in one of them, it can make your body work in a
slightly different way. Sometimes, that means you're more likely to get a certain disease.
There are several changes to genes that can raise your risk for Parkinson's, each by a little bit. They have a part in about
1 in 10 cases.
If you have one or more of these changes, it doesn't mean you'll get Parkinson's. Some people will, but many won't, and
doctors don't know why. It may have to do with other genes or something in your environment.
Can Parents Pass Parkinson's to Their Kids?
They can, but it's rare and only affects a small number of families. About 1 in 100 people with Parkinson's get it this
How Does Environment Come Into It?
Your environment is a hard one to pin down. Partly, that's because it covers a lot of ground. It's everything that's not your
genes, which could mean where you live, what you eat, chemicals you've come into contact with, and more.
Not only that, but it could take years for the effects from something in your environment to show up. So far, doctors have
a lot of clues but no smoking gun. So you could have people who live or work in an area around chemicals tied to Parkinson's,
but many of them don't get it.
What are the Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease?
- Cramped handwriting or other writing changes.
- Tremors, especially in fingers, hands or feet.
- Uncontrollable movements during sleep.
- Limb stiffness or slow movement (bradykinesia).
- Voice changes.
- Rigid facial expression or masking.
- Stooped posture.
A loss of muscle control is the major effect of Parkinson’s Disease. It usually starts with small tremors and stiffness in the
extremities and progresses from there. How quickly Parkinson’s advances in based on the individual and can be hard to
Parkinson’s is the result of a structural change in the brain, the cause of which is still unknown. The dopamine receptors
in the brain stop functioning and are not replaced with new receptor cells. When the brain does not get enough dopamine,
it cannot properly manage muscle movements
Early Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease Include:
- Drooling
- Impaired Balance
- Slow Blinking
- Muscle Aches
- Monotone Voice
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Slow Speech
Parkinson’s usually develops in adults over the age of 60. As you get older, your risk of developing this disease increases.
There is a genetic component making people with Parkinson’s Disease in their families more likely to develop it themselves. Also,
more men than women end up with Parkinson’s
Parkinson's Disease Treatment
There is no cure for Parkinson’s. In fact, the cause is still a mystery. There are ways to treat the symptoms and make clients
comfortable when the disease progresses. Keeping clients in their own homes and providing the care they need there is one way to
make it easier for them to cope with Parkinson’s Disease.
Home Health Solutions Group provides personal care and medical services for Parkinson’s Disease.
At Home Health Solutions Group, we make it possible for you to care for a loved one at home with Parkinson’s Disease.
As the disease progresses, it can be too much for you to handle on your own. Home Health Solutions Group can give you the
skilled nursing support you need to manage Parkinson’s at home.
We are available 24/7 for client needs because we understand that home care is not just a day job. Sometimes you need help
after-hours or on weekends.
Our services range from homemaker and companion care to skilled nursing. We can provide you with respite care when you
need to get out and cannot leave your loved one home alone. We can also help with personal care, meal preparation, bathing,
toileting and dressing.
Home Health Solutions Group Has an In-Home Parkinson's Disease Care You Can Count On
We know how hard it can be both to deal with a Parkinson’s diagnosis and manage your or your loved one’s day-to-day needs as
the disease progresses — that’s why we’re here to provide the help and compassionate care you need, every step of the
As a nurse registry, we strive to make the right connections between specialized caregivers and clients in need, we make
Parkinson’s Disease care service as attainable and supportive as possible.
Call Today 786-991-2300
Personal Service
Patient Care Liaison personnel are willing to meet with clients or their representatives in the comfort of their homes or institution.